In this presentation we cover the principles and technologies behind Client-Side Routing. We go in-depth into the communication between the browser and the server when the user clicks on a link. This allows us to uncover how we can insert logic into that process to manage every byte that travels over the wire.
Accessibility and why you should give a DOM (90min) A discussion on designing and building accessible applications
Learn about accessibility in design and development. We will cover the history of accessibility in the tech space and the implications this has on building software today. Accessibility is as much of a usability problem as it is a technical feat. We will address best practices, common pitfalls, and resources around building products that are usable for everyone.
This presentation was previously titled, Your heart is in the right place, but your DOM isn't. In Q4 of 2024 I decided to rename it, because I started writing another presentation that better fits that title. Stay tuned for those slides!
Learn principles of composition, declarative vs imperative APIs, pure vs impure functions, and memoization. State management in React can be hard to visualize. Understanding what each native hook does "under the hood" can help make the cryptic become concrete.